Install Mkisofs Windows
I am using WinBuilder 78 SP1 and trying to build Win7RescuePE. I have the latest Windows 7 AIK installed and I am building from Windows 7 Ultimate RTM.
$ mkisofs --version. If that command returns a version number or something indicating it's installed, you're good to go. If not, head over to your package manager and search for and install mkisofs. It is surprisingly easy to do. First of all, you just need to assemble a folder full of the files you wish to be part of the ISO image.
Everything seems to build fine until I get to the stage where it builds the ISO. It does not indicate a failure but the resulting ISO is only 34kb. Attempts to make the ISO from the built files with the script separately also fail. I am unable to determine what is causing the failure, since this is new to me, nor am I able to manually build the ISO since, I have little knowledge of booting Vista. Any known fixes or ideas on how to manually build the ISO? Help is much appreciated.
Woops thought I had attached it. ShellExecute: [Hide] using: ['C: Program Files Windows AIK Tools amd64 imagex.exe'] with parameters: [/mount 'F: sources boot.wim' 1 '%BaseDir% Temp Win7RescuePE BootWimSrc']The double backslashes may also cause problems, but apparently only on some machines. I changed VistaPE-CAPI procesing the WAIK location box recently, which apparently fixed a problem for one user: StrFormat,RIGHT,%pFileBox1%,1,%LastChar% If,%LastChar%,Equal,,StrFormat,RTRIM,%pFileBox1%,1,%WAIKPath% Else,Set,%WAIKPath%,%pFileBox1%.
Hey All, I downloaded Sardu 3.0 in Windows 10, and found that it crashes the whole system. What happens is when you select create ISO from menu, it continues to spawn mkisofs.exe until the system grinds to a halt. I have worked out a solution to this. The issue is the version of mkisofs.exe itself crashes windows, if you run this from the SARDU Tools folder it will crash windows. So you need a version of mkisofs.exe that works in Windows 10, and to inject it into SARDU. Fortunately a version of mkisofs.exe that works with Windows 10 is already included.
Here's how to patch it. Manuale del restauro architettonico pdf file. Download a copy of 7-Zip and install 2. Open your SARDU Folder.
Right-click the file SARDU-1 and select 7-zip -> open archive 3. Open the tools folder. In here you will find mkisofs.exe with a timestamp from 2009, this copy of mkisofs.exe works with Win 10. Copy or extract mkisofs.exe with timestamp from 2009 to your SARDU folder. Open the SARDU-1 archive again, navigate to the root folder of the archive. You will find mkisofs.exe is also located in the root folder, but with a timestamp from 2005.
This is the mkisofs.exe that crashes Win 10. We need to overwrite this version with the extracted 2009 timestamp version. With 7-zip to overwrite mkisofs.exe all you have to do is drag the extracted 2009 mkisofs.exe file from your SARDU folder into the 7-zip window pointing at the root folder. It will update and overwrite the 2005 version. Close 7-zip, delete the mkisofs.exe extracted to your SARDU folder, and you're good to go! Hope this helps someone!
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