Ideas For Installation Of Garden Club Officers
D’Utama Advancd Toastmasters Club Installation § Organising Chairman, (name) § Division C Officers § President (name) § Club Presidents § Fellow Toastmasters § Ladies and Gentlemen it is an honour and privilege for me to install the new officers of the D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club. DISCHARGE OF CURRENT OFFICERS: Before we proceed with the installation of the new officers, it is my duty to discharge the retiring Executive Committee or EXCO. Please withhold your applause until the ceremony is completed. I will call the outgoing EXCO members to come to the stage and be recognised. President: (name and title) VP Education: (name and title) VP Membership: (name and title) VP Public Relations: (name and title) Secretary: (name and title) Treasurer: (name and title) Sergeant-at-arms: (name and title) You are hereby discharged from all further duties and responsibilities as Club Officers of D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club. Ladies and Gentlemen.
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To show our appreciation for their hard work and dedication to office, please join me in giving them a round of applause. You may return to your seats. INSTALLATION OF CLUB OFFICERS My function is to install the officers of the D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club. It is my intention to prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead. Their collective challenge is • to make this Club a viable force, • dedicated to helping people from all walks of life, • speak in an effective manner, • listen with sensitivity and • think creatively.
WALLY BYAM CARAVAN CLUB INTERNATIONAL, INC. € INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS SUGGESTED INSTALLATION CEREMONY € Installing new officers is a very important procedure in Club operations and has a very special significance to both the newly elected officers and to members. It is necessary to do some pre-planning to insure a flawless ceremony. Planning an installation for garden club officers offers an opportunity for using color, creativity and fun, while generally following a protocol used by most organization' ceremonies. Bosch 1590evs jigsaw owner manual.
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, please withhold your applause until the ceremony is completed. May I invite members of the EXCO up to the stage, starting with Sergeant-at-Arms: (name and title) Treasurer: (name and title) Secretary: (name and title) Vice President Public Relations: (name and title) Vice President Membership: (name and title) Vice President Education: (name and title) President: (name and title) I will call each officer to step forward as I briefly outline the challenges they will meet and what is expected of them in their respective roles. Sergeant-at-Arms, (name and title) '(name and title), as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand. As Sergeant at-Arms, you will take the active leadership in welcoming members and guests to the Club meetings, make them feel at home and insure they receive a favourable impression of a smooth, well-run meeting. Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?' (EXCO member to say 'Yes I Will.' And then hand the gavel to the next officer ) Treasurer, (name and title) '(name and title) as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.