Hp 2000 Series 2313tu Drivers For Windows 8 64 Bit
HP Deskjet 4670 Driver: HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4670 All-in-One Printer Full Feature Software and Driver.It is full software solution for your printer. If a prior version software of HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4670 All-in-One Printer is currently installed, it must be uninstalled before installing this version. I have hp 2000-2313tu Notebook, installed with win7 64 bit.I needed drivers for it, the hp support only offers drivers for Win8 only.I found a another support page from the forum but the drivers given were not working for my laptop.
Rinku4436 wrote: d ear sir I have recently purchase the HP-2000-2313TU with DOS. As my most of the applications are 32bit, I have loaded Windows 7 32bit version OS. The drivers available on site for this model is only for Windows 8 64 Bit. These drivers are not suitable for the WIn 7-32bit OS on my laptop.Are there any suitable drivers avaialble for the laptop for Win7-32bis os? Hello rinku4436.
The easiest way for you to locate drivers in your situation is to use HP Support Assistant. It can scan the computer and try to automatically locate and install drivers. To the application. If HP Support Assistant is unable to locate some of the drivers I can attempt to locate them manually using the Hardware IDs. Here are the steps to get the Hardware IDs. • Click Start, type 'Device Manager,' and press Enter.
• Expand all of the sections. • Right click on any 'Unknown' or 'Other' devices. • Select Properties. • Navigate to the Details tab. • Select 'Hardware Ids' from the drop-down menu.
• Post these here. I'll keep an eye out for your reply. Have a great day!
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