Port Blue The Airship Zip

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Contents [] Adam Young introducing Port Blue Port Blue is music that can be heard playing in elevators, hotel lobbies, airports, museums and restaurants inside my head. It is the soundtrack to my dreams. If I wrote music for movies, this is what my film scores would sound like.
Much of the aesthetic of Port Blue is not what lies in the recordings but rather what is extracted from them.Dreamscapes. In my opinion, there is a huge lack of imaginative, unconventional music being created by artists today and what little there is, goes widely unappreciated by the masses. 'Port Blue' is my attempt at re-creating the music I want to hear and the emotions I want to feel. I hope you enjoy my art as much as I enjoyed creating it. If by chance you ever feel as though you’ve come to know these songs, please consider yourself a friend because in a manner of speaking, you know me. This music is my heart and soul.
This is who I am. - Adam Young, from his tumblr blog Albums The Airship (2007) • Up Ship!
Celldweller wish upon a blackstar 2012 rare. Stream The Airship, a playlist by PortBlueMusic from desktop or your mobile device.