Huawei G610-U20 Wifi Problem
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I am haveing huawei g610 android phone. Android OS, v4.2 i just opened youtube and after that it is restarting again and again. I took out battery, inserted aggain, but problem not resolved. I tried to factory reset but it is not working, i also tried to do hard reset but it is not done but my problem is still there.
Some have reported that the WiFi not working on the Huawei P9. Some of the problems noticed on the Huawei P9 includes a slow Wifi/weak Wifi connection, WiFi switches to data automatically and the ability to forget a WiFi connection on the Huawei P9 is a problem. Below we’ll get into some of the solutions that you can use to fix WiFi not working on the Huawei P9. Make sure WiFi is turned off on Huawei P9 It’s very common that your Huawei P9 is still connected to a weak WiFi signal, and you should you check to make sure the WiFi disabled or turned OFF. The following will take you to the Wi-Fi settings of the Huawei P9: • Turn on the Huawei P9. • Select on Menu. • Select Settings. • Select Connections.
• Select Wi-Fi. • Touch the ON/OFF slider next to Wi-Fi to turn Wi-Fi OFF.
Huawei P9 switches from WiFi to Data randomly The way that the Huawei P9 WiFi connection switches from WiFi to data is based on the WLAN to mobile data connection option that is activated in the Android settings of the Huawei P9. The name of this setting is called “Smart network switch” and was designed on the Huawei P9 in order to automatically switch between Wi-Fi and mobile networks, such as LTE, to build up a stable network connection all the time. The good news is that this WiFi setting can be adjusted to fix the Huawei P9 WiFi problem. How to forget a saved Wi-Fi network: To delete a saved Wifi network on the Huawei P9, go to the settings menu and look for the WiFi section. Browse for the network that you want to delete and remove from your Huawei P9. Cara membaca tab guitar pdf online. Once you find the WiFi connection, long press it, and then select “Forget.” (There’s also a “modify” option, which mostly is a nice way to change the Wifi password saved on your device.) • Turn on the Huawei P9. • Swipe down on the screen to open up the notification panel and select Settings.
• Browse to the Network connections section and then tap Wi-Fi. • If Wi-Fi is off, select the ON/OFF switch to turn it on. • Select the required Wi-Fi network profile you want to forget and select Forget • The selected Wi-Fi network profile has been forgotten. Disable the smart network switch on the Huawei P9 and fix the WiFi problem: • Turn on your Huawei P9 smartphone • Enable the mobile data connection of the Huawei P9. • After the mobile data connection is enabled, go to Menu -> Settings -> Wireless. • At the start of the page you will see the option “Smart network switch”.
• Uncheck this option to obtain a not so stable wireless connection of your Huawei P9 with the router still upright. • Now your Huawei P9 will no longer automatically switch between Wi-Fi and the mobile Internet. Solve Slow WiFi on Huawei P9 Another issues is the slow WiFi speed on the Huawei P9 is when you use apps like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp and many of the icons and pictures look gray, which either don’t come up at all, or take forever to load. But when the WiFi signal is strong and the WiFi is still slow, this can be a frustrating problem and we can help you fix it.
Below are some quick suggestions on how to fix Huawei P9 WiFi problem.
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