Benelli M4 Side Saddle Install
I receieved a Mossberg 930SPX back from Aimpro tactical today(LE gun) AFTER 4 MONTHS at their shop!!!! It arrived there on Feb 1st and arrived back at the department today.
Nov 18, 2013 Mesa Tactical Side Saddle Problem & PART 1 of Review: Mesa Tactical vs Esstac Shotgun Card.
Free download generic pnp monitor driver windows 7/ download fasters. A note enclosed from the General Manager of their company said they had replaced the barrel 4 times,the gas piston twice,and most every other part once. He then stated that when they removed the Mesa tactical side saddle that was attached the weapon functioned perfectly and that the problem must have always been the sidesaddle.
I thought he was full of shit. I took the weapon to the range and test fired it without the sidesaddle attached and it functioned perfectly. Aurthohin aushomapto 1 full album download.
I attached the side saddle without changing anything else and the weapon will not function in semiauto made at all. I took it off and it again worked perfectly.
Ammunition for the test was Federal tactical 00 high velocity. Any ideas about how I can fix this? I really want a sidesaddle on this weapon. Someone else is saying what I've been saying all along.
The Mesa Tactical for the 930spx that I was sold makes my shotgun a one shot club. I have spend a lot of time on the phone with both Mesa and Mossberg,hours actually. I've spoken to engineers, sales reps, and customer service people at both Mesa and Mossberg.
My 930spx runs like a swiss clock without the mesa sidesaddle. Attach the sidesaddle and the shotgun turns into a piece of shit reliablity wise.
I have shot hundreds of rounds trying to diagnose my problem of the 930spx only firing one round when a brand new mesa side saddle was attached. I was told by mesa that I must be tightening the screws too tight, then I was told I was not tightening them enough, then I was told I was not tightening them in the proper sequence. Bla, Bla, Bla. All this was by their so called 'engineer'.
Mossberg blamed Mesa, Mesa blamed Mossberg. I finally realized that the screws mesa ships with its 930spx are of a smaller diameter then the mossberg pins that the mesa screws replace.
Mesa denies this too this day. Told me Mossberg must have switched the diameter of the pins on them without notification, and get this, I was the first person to ever complain about this. My micrometer does not lie. The fasteners that Mesa provides were of a smaller diameter then the stock mossy pin. This allowed my already loose trigger assembly to 'float' around a little more in the receiver and that had some sort of still unknown to me interaction with the bolt or something else that would not allow my shotgun to fire more then one round. I was essentially left with a $50 mesa paperweight.
Did I mention they still to this day deny that their fasteners are of a smaller diameter then the stock mossberg pins? I'm tired of companys taking money for an inferior product and not providing any sort of support. I've tried to play nice over the last 10 months. Others rave about the great customer service mesa provides.
Well, I have yet to see it. They new Mesa side saddle now come with a new type of front trigger pin. It is a two piece pin with one having male threaded and one having female treads.
They no longer use the steel front trigger pins with the two screws. They still use that on the back trigger pin. Your issue may very well be the reason they changed the front pin.
So call Dan at the number I gave and if this is infact the solution, he will send you the new front pins free so you don't have to use a fancy paper weight. Mesa customer service is one of the best in the business. Not sure why you are having an issue but I have delt with them for serveral years. Any time there is an issue and I refer a client to them the client get results.